Mengyue Wu

Assistant Researcher
2011-2017 Ph.D., Experimental Phonetics
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
2007-2011 B.S. & B.A. Dual Degrees in Psychology and Linguistics
Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
2018.06-Present Assistant Professor
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Multimedia signal processing; human-computer interaction; cognitive computing; healthcare applications;
experimental phonetics; speech perception and production; neural imaging of language processing
1. Mengyue Wu*, Heinrich Dinkel and Kai Yu. (2019). Audio Caption: Listen and Tell. IEEE International Conference
on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK, 830-834
2. Yefei Chen, Mengyue Wu* and Kai Yu. (2019). Audio Retrieval Based on Sentence-Level Captions, CHCI 2019,
Nanjing, China
3. Xuenan Xu, Heinrich Dinkel, Mengyue Wu* , and Kai Yu. (2019). What does a Car-ssette tape tell?. arXiv preprint
4. Mengyue Wu, Janet Fletcher, Brett Baker, Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen. (2016). Production of Cantonese Tones by
Speakers with Different Linguistic Experiences. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016. Boston, U.S.
5. Colleen Holt, Mengyue Wu, Lee K., Dowell, R., & Vogel, A (2016). Cantonese Tone Production by Paediatric
Cochlear Implant Users. HK Speech and Hearing Symposium 2016. Hong Kong, CN.
6. Mengyue Wu, Brett Baker, Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen. (2016). Correlations of Perception and Production of
Cantonese Tones by L2 and L3 Speakers. 16th Speech Science and Technology. Sydney, Australia
7. Mengyue Wu, Brett Baker, Janet Fletcher, Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen. (2016). How Pitch Moves: Production of
Cantonese Tones by Speakers with Different Tonal Experiences. Proceedings of the 5th Tonal Aspects of Languages.
Buffalo, U.S.
8. Mengyue Wu, Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen, Brett Baker, Catherine Best and Janet Fletcher. (2015). Perception of
Cantonese tones by Mandarin speakers. Published In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of
the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow.
9. Mengyue Wu, Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen, Brett Baker. (2014). Perception of Cantonese tones by Mandarin speakers.
Australian Linguistic Society 2014 (ALS). Newcastle, Australia.